Fangirl-A book review

Is this books worth the hype???...Is this book worth your money, time and energy??
Well...Fangirl isn't just an everyday love story that you come across in facebook, instagram, youtube, etc.... It's more about family, sisters bond, fan fiction, Simon Snow (duh!!!....who doesn't love Simon snow series.), friendship, college struggles, adulthood, loving yourself, being independent, freedom....

Cath and Wren are an identical twins raised by a single father. They did everything together from attending the same class to writing their all time favourite fan fiction of Simon Snow. Well...Cath was the main writer behind the fan fiction and Wren sometimes had to bulge into her sister's plot to give the reader more depth into the scenes that Cath probably didnt have any first hand experience like the first flutters, kiss, date...blah...blah...blah..........

Wren was more of any extrovert type whereas Cath was the introvert, hermit like character who would leave her dorm only for classes and library (relatable ME!!!). Both of the twins happened to get into UNL but Wren had opted for videography major whereas Cath was in literature major. Wren had pre planned everything, her dorm paint, pillow cover, her extracurricular activities and even her roommate (Courtney). Wren on another hand, didnot want to stay in dorm, and the concept of not sharing a room with her only twins scared her more than the idea about having a new dormmate. She didnt like changes, it made you lose people...

Cath had no option since Wren was so excited about her new college life that didnt involved her. Well, still then, Cath had her Simon Snow posters and series. 

The first day of dormitory life:
Cath encounters her roommate Reagen, who was a complete opposite of whatever Cath wanted in a roommate. She was curvy, pear shaped body (Cath wished she was curvy too), bold, cold, intense look, smoked and apparently brought her boyfriend to their room. Now about Levi, the so called Reagen boyfriend from Cath's perspective was from the ranch side of the country but he was damn hot for a college boy. Cath kept her distance from her roomie and her boyfriend for a month. She would secretly eat her protein bars after they left the room and would stay in library for hours.

Wren was busy with the schedules and Cath felt like she didnt knew her twin sister anymore. Cath took the fiction writing course where she meets Nick who liked hanging out with her. They would always meet in library on Tuesday and discussed about their project. Both of them loved reading and writing. Cath somehow starts to like Nick but he didnt seem to be interested in her.

One day, Reagen stared the conversation with Cath. "Do you have eating disorder?" Reagen asked to which Cath replied No but she was so adamant about Cath having a eating disorder that she forced Cath to eat dinner with her in the dining hall everyday. So since then, they had somehow started to develop this roommate relationship which slowly evolved into a special friendship. 

Levi would always pick up Cath after her session with Nick. Little did she know that Levi had from the start liked her. But she was too dense to realise his feelings for she had always thought he and Reagen were a thing. One night, Levi asked Cath to read her a book for which he had an assignment due. She did help Levi but that night somehow they happened to kiss each other. That moment broke Cath's heart for she knew she liked Levi but she didn't want to hurt Reagen also. 

Reagen apparently had no interest in Levi. They were ex and had moved on since high school. Reagen knew that Levi had feelings for Cath. But somehow Cath sees Levi making out with a blonde girl and she keeps her distance from him. Mean while back home, their dad was admitted to hospital and Cath upon hearing about their dad condition, she decides to go back to Ohama. Somehow Levi helps her to get to hospital. Although the nurses doesnot allow Cath to visit her Dad, she tries to ignore the fact that Levi drove her back and that they are sitting in the same waiting room, face to face. She tells him about the blonde girl and stuffs and Levi remains silent for the whole time. The next day, he had left the hospital and Cath spends a week with her Dad. 

Then, Cath gets to know about her mother, Lauren who wants to meet with her children and Wren had known a long time back. Cath wouldn't forgive her mother, who left them when they were just a kid. She couldn't forgive a mother who was behind all the problems they were suffering right now. Although Wren was okay on meeting with their mother, Cath was persistent about her decision. 

Back in college, Wren was enjoying the after parties with Courtney and would always be high. She didn't visit home and wouldn't pick calls from Cath. Cath was devastated from all the stuffs that were going on, Levi decieving her, Dad being sick, Wren not wanting to talk with her, Nick not wanting to give credit for your writings and Lauren wanting to come in their life...everything was messed up. She wanted a normal life...she wanted to quit college but that would mean she would lose her scholarships and that would again deteriorate her dad's health. 

Levi somehow tries to make up with Cath, and she somehow trust his reasons (one problem solved). Her dad also started to get into the normal habits (second one solved). Apprarently their fiction writing professor happens know that Cath had helped Nick in his assignment and wanted Cath to share the co author title (third problem solved). She was adamant about not taking back Lauren into her life. So about Wren, one night, she had passed out from heavy drinking and was admitted in ICU. Their dad grounded Wren and she had to quit drinking, come back home every weekend for not transferring into another university. Wren also started to talk more with Cath. They wrote Simon snow together just like when they were back home. Wren visited their mother but Cath still wasn't comfortable. They took their time and somehow everything seemed to be back to normal: just the way Cath had dreamt college to be.

Together they concluded Simon Snow-the story they had written since when they were young. 

Everybody somehow got their happy ending in Simon snow series and in real life too. 


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