
Showing posts from December, 2020

hopeless void

1st January 2021 You know what's really sad about new years or many other eves is that there is literally no one that wishes you. Probably that's when I feel the most lonely. Although I am okay with being alone but during the festive time, when everybody are busy wishing each other good health, life, whatsoever and here I am...listening to all the sad songs and wishing myself A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

heart to heart confession #1

I dont know if you are reading this or not, but if incase you happen to come across this page, I just want to thank you for atleast reading my feelings because sometimes even your close friends doesnt happen to do so. I have always suffered from not being content with my life. I am the type to trust people easily; more over one of the reason behind my depressed life is because I have considered friends to be the most important part of my life. I have invested my time, energy, money for friends that broke me and shook my faith. Those friends who text you only when they want, those friends who seek you only when they are in trouble, those friends who apparently doesnot think of you as a friend but just a mere human: and it hurts. I have always been a silent sufferer type. I am not the type to express my downfalls to everyone for once I had shared my deepest, darkest secrets with "friends" who had not only manipulated my honest feelings yet desserted my story to others for their

Solo dreamer

Falling and being in love has never been on any of my list. Although I do immense myself into the idea of having a korean oppa but I do know that it's building castle in the air and I prefer living in a small cottage far away from the hustle of the everyday life. I prefer travelling solo. The thrill that you get when you come back home knowing the fact that you were able to survive on your own with just your bag pack and just following the road is enough to pull me through this life. My mom have always told me to do whatever I want to do, to live graciously but to have a bit of messiness in it, to be myself in the world of disguise. 

Fangirl-A book review

Is this books worth the hype???...Is this book worth your money, time and energy?? Well...Fangirl isn't just an everyday love story that you come across in facebook, instagram, youtube, etc.... It's more about family, sisters bond, fan fiction, Simon Snow (duh!!!....who doesn't love Simon snow series.), friendship, college struggles, adulthood, loving yourself, being independent, freedom.... Cath and Wren are an identical twins raised by a single father. They did everything together from attending the same class to writing their all time favourite fan fiction of Simon Snow. Well...Cath was the main writer behind the fan fiction and Wren sometimes had to bulge into her sister's plot to give the reader more depth into the scenes that Cath probably didnt have any first hand experience like the first flutters, kiss,  date...blah...blah...blah.......... Wren was more of any extrovert type whereas Cath was the introvert, hermit like character who would leave her dorm only for