
Showing posts from December, 2021

The journey

13.12.2021 Just got boarded and ready to shake off every inch of doubts. The endless thoughts about whether I am fit for undergoing this prestigious career. The career that will define my life for a long time.  Delhi:12°C The connecting flight to Chennai took almost 4 hours. After the immigration process was done, we were famished and opted for pizza hut margherita pizza and a blueberry smoothie.  IndiGo It took us 2.30 hours to finally land in Chennai. Upon our arrival, we were greeted by the OTA personnel and filled up every forms given to us. Then the mandatory session of very academy : photo sessions were taken one after another at every places.  OTA: serve with honour OTA is located just a few kilometers from the Chennai airport making it easily feasible. We were then taken directly to an indoor sports hall where table were set for our registration. Upon recieving our academic no. Battalion and company, we were finally served with dinner. Women

to thee: to thy

Let's be real. Who wants to feel unwanted? No one...literally not a single soul. It's a great feeling to fall in love To promise the stars and the moon And love that last for eternity. But here is the catch. How many of us are knowingly willing to trust someone whose honesty lies on its tip? The tip that could curve at any moment. How many of us are really adamant to compromise our happiness for the significant other, whose happiness swing on a daily mood? Maybe some, maybe no one. Maybe everyone!!!